Thursday, April 9, 2015

Evolution of "I"-Consciousness explained as per Mandukya Upanishad

There is a famous story of Raja Janaka waking from a dream and then only saying or telling "Is this true or was that true?"

Please go through this video for details.

I/Ego/Knower              World/Prapancha                                                    Station Master

1) Waker                           Waking World              Bangle                         Rajdhani Express
2) Dreamer                        Dream World               Necklace                      Goods Train
3) Sleeper                          Sleep Blankness           Ring                             Blank Station
4) Turiya (Conciousness)                                       Gold                             I

The main argument is that Turiya even though listed fourth here is actually a superset of first three states. Turiya is pervasive in all the forms of Waker, Dreamer and Sleeper just like Gold is pervasive in all the forms Bangle, Necklace and Ring.

While explaining the phenomenon to Raja Janaka, Astavakra told to Janaka that none of Waker or Dreamer states was true because of the simple reason that the environment whether it was his wife, kingship or even his children were not in every next state. This means that nothing experienced by brain was true. The next question is then obviously "what is truth?". Just as Gold pervades in each of the forms such as Bangle, Necklace and Ring and still the truth among all is Gold because Gold is the common denominator across all the states, the states of the Waker, the Dreamer, and the Sleeper are just the forms of "I". I being the common perceive-r of different states is the only constant and thus the only truth across all the "I" states.

Let us come to Consciousness perspective. Consciousness watches the continuous experience of the person. In a way, a person keeps on changing with age. One's belief system, physicality and psyche becomes completely different from a state when one was 10 and when one was 40. So, within the physical state(Waker), the physical form(body) itself is not the True 'I". I cannot say that I am the same person who "I was at 10", but there is a common denominator across all the ages by virtue of experiences by which I can say that common denominator to be "I". Now, we have established that is the experience part is common in "Waker" state and is the truth, so similar truth can be extended to Dreamer part based on experience part in the dream. Mind changes by age as well say by age of 10 and then 40, so it also is not constant or common denominator. Since, it is possible to watch what your mind is doing, mind is clearly different from "I" or consciousness. But, again your mind at 10 and your mind at 40 has a common factor of "I" or consciousness.

MIND AND BODY is series of changes whereas CONSCIOUSNESS is not. Same holds true for the different human states whether it is Waker, Dreamer or Sleeper state. Everything changes, but not your consciousness. Even the false body in dream is known to consciousness.

This Consciousness watches each of state.

Mandukya upanishad says that "I" is not the waker/dreamer/sleeper nor the "Waking World"/"Dream World"/ "Sleeping World". "I" is though in and out of waker/dreamer/sleeper and just watching the "Waking World"/"Dream World"/ "Sleeping World"(Jagrut/Swapn/Susupti).

Got these concepts from

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