Sunday, April 12, 2015

Evolution of Emotions

Mathematics of Emotions

How Anger happens?
Whenever there is a desire and an obstacle comes, the anger arises.
The more intense the desire, the more anger towards the obstacle comes.

Mathematically, ANGER = k* Intensity(DESIRE(Self)) *Obstacle

More the number of self-desires, more of anger due to external factors.
Forget about external factors, the internal conflicting desires of say, sleeping and watching TV, makes you angry and thus frustrated with yourself so many times. The more desires and things you want to achieve are there, the more possibility of anger there is.

How jealousy is different from envy? Before, answering that, let us define jealousy, if the person has an object which I desire in a quantity which is slightly more than what I have, I will feel jealousy.If I don't have desire for the object, then whatever amount of the object others have, I don't care. It just doesn't matter. I will not feel jealous. You will not feel jealous of orange or plain white

Mathematically, JEALOUSY= k* Cap[DESIRE(Object with Others)]

The catch here is that there is Cap function. If there is a person who possess the hordes of object which we wouldn't be able accumulate in any way, we will feel envy and not jealousy. A beggar will not be jealous of a multi-millionaire, though he will be envious of multi-millionaire. A beggar will be rather jealous of another beggar around the corner who daily earns twenty more rupees than himself. Jealousy is such a petty emotion that can very easily surface between you and your mother, father, siblings, spouse and even between you and your kids. So, rather look for it. Being jealous of your best friend is not a big deal. So, admit it. If I have a black spot on my face and I look into the mirror, it is better to admit the black spot of being jealous with your dear ones to understand yourself in the first place to conquer it.

Knowing that there you have jealousy is the first step to realization. Let us try that realization. In a daily conversation, person A says that person B is so nice. You will start feeling jealous. To add to it, if you are an aggressive person, you will try to bring down the person B to get you jealousy levels down.

In a competition of A and B, B is leading. If then A shoots up and wins the race. in case of jealousy, there is downward spiral of B belittling A to bring to his level, irrespective of his factual win. B will try to bring down A in the eyes of others. To add to this, B feels very happy when he is able to shake the opinion of A in other's mind.

Now, why is this important? We don't even know our mind patterns, the erratic mind patterns, and unless until we are cognizant of these erratic mind patterns, we wont be able to direct our mind to avoid those traps. We have to be master of our mind by analysis of our mind and then change the patterns.

Ahankara is not Pride as most of people think. Ahankara is the notion of "I"(Ego). If I am saying I am Saurabh, it is Ahankara and not pride. I am a computer engineer, it will be ahankara and it I say that I am the best computer engineer, it becomes Abhimana.

"I" notion behind everything is Ahankara. It is a mind concept. 

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